Beit Gamaliel

The confluence of knowledge and faith

Give Us A Sign

road280You would think some things in life are obvious. But arrogant and stubborn as we are , sometimes we still need a sign. I recently saw a “Road Closed” sign in our community that I thought was curious. Despite the impassability of this street, and despite the warnings that the road is closed, sadly, there are those who make the turn and attempt to take the in-navigable route.

The American Star (pictured) is now just a ghost of its former glory. The American Star was an elaborate hotel on the water featuring modern design and contemporary elegance. After more than fifty years of service, the ship was being recommissioned in 1994. Towed by a Ukranian tug, the ship was headed for port in Thailand where it was planned to redesign her as a lavish five-star floating hotel. Amid stormy seas, the ship broke loose from the tug and, despite concerted efforts and several emergency tow boats, the ship went adrift until running aground off the shore of Spain. More state than a lighthouse, she remains as a warning to passing ships.

12825028Under the siege of a foreign King, the elders of Jerusalem came to the prophet inquiring of the Lord. Recognizing the sins of the elders to follow false gods, God addresses them head on: “For when anyone…separates himself from Me, setting up idols in his heart and putting a sinful stumbling block before his face, and then comes to the prophet to inquire of Me, I, Yahweh, will answer him Myself. I will turn against that one and make him a sign and a proverb; I will cut him off from among My people. Then you will know that I am Yahweh.” (Ezek. 14)

Several years ago there was a series of posters called Demotivational posters. Boy they were funny. I think the reason they were so funny is because the smacked of truth. One of my favorites was a picture of shipwreck with the caption, “Mistakes: It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.” Sadly, we all have read the headlines of those who from our midst who have fallen. The media goes bananas for that fodder. What is clear from mistakes is that the path we chose was simply the wrong path. Is it possible that God uses these mistakes as a sign that the road is out, that the path that was chosen should NOT be chosen by us?

May God give us wisdom to avoid that roads that have lead to others failures. But more so, may God grant mercy and grace that our mistakes not become a sign to others.

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Overrated Creativity

Sat Mar 9 , 2013
I have spent two days listening to recycled drivel on leadership. Some of the biggest names in the corporate consulting world presented nothing more than rehashed ideas, catch phrases, and anecdotes on what makes leaders great.